13 April, 1942: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday


TIME – 9.45 P.M.


My dear Stan,

As I write this my thoughts turn to yesterday morning – out on the common and then again last night when we said goodbye at the station, when I really did not want you to go back.  I don’t suppose you will believe me –ah well – I cannot blame you.  I am so changeable, I wish I wasn’t, I wish my mind always ran in the same track.  Tonight, after we came out of the exam room I wished you were here so that I could talk to you and then maybe go somewhere and forget all about the mouldy exam – but you were not here so I did the next best thing – went out with Kit to a little cafe we know and had a supper of chips and peas.  We talked over the exam paper, went for a short walk, came back here, had a bath and here I am, writing to you.  We were to have taken the second part of our exam tomorrow but when we got back we found that it had been postponed until Friday evening.  It is very annoying as I want to get it over and done with but I suppose these things are sent to try us.

I believe that I told you that we were going to the Palais tomorrow but I just do not want to go to a dance without you so I have managed to persuade Kit not to go.   We are going to the theatre to see Noel Coward’s “Blithe Spirit”.  I have heard that it is quite good – not at all what one expects – so we are looking forward to a good show.

By the way, I asked Kit if she could see my “spare tyre” but Kit could not  so she told me to tell you that we had sold the car and with it the spare tyre.  What kind of journey back did you have?  I hope that you did not meet with any embarrassing situations on Leeds station again.  Did you have long to wait on any of the stations as you anticipated?

As I waited for the bus to go back home last night a car passed me and as luck would have it it was Uncle John and my aunt so I got home quicker than I thought I should have in spite of the fact that you wanted to send me away from the station to catch the earlier bus.  Now I am being catty so I had better shut up.

Time is getting rather late Stan so I had better say goodnight my dear until tomorrow when I hope to receive a letter from you.  Just one more thing before I finish – when you next write, please thank your mother for entertaining me yesterday.  I am afraid I hardly thanked her – dreadful of me I know but I think you know why, and so goodnight my dear and pleasant dreams – I wonder if you are thinking of me at this moment as I am thinking of you!

Tuesday evening – 10.30 p.m.

Tuesday is nearly over and not letter from you but I decided to wait until your letter did arrive before I posted this as they would only cross in the post again and get muddled.  I really do expect to receive one in the morning, I shall be very disappointed if I do not.

Kit and I have not had a very hectic day – we went out shopping this a.m. and went to a trade show, it was Katherine Hepburn and (sorry, I can’t remember the name) in “Woman of the Year”, it wasn’t bad on the whole.  We came back here – had a meal of sorts called lunch then I went with Kit to register.  We got to the Labour Exchange then Kit found that she had not brought her identity card with her.  We came back here, collected the missing card, went back again and Kit signed on.*  We then went down to the river.  We did think of doing a spot of boating but there was a fairly strong wind so we decided that as the wind was blowing opposite way to the current – rowing would be pretty hard work so sat on the bank and watched other people.

After tea we went to see the show as previously mentioned.  It was very good, we got some good laughs.  After doing a few really necessary jobs I decided that I would like to write to you so here I am and now I am sure you must find this rather boring so will stop and though we are miles apart I will still wish you good night and pleasant dreams. 

Wednesday  1.30 p.m.

I received your letter about 3 hours ago so decided to answer it today and considering that I was not going to write – well – I think it’s a good attempt, don’t you?

I was so sorry to hear that your journey back was dreadful – and all because of me!  I was going to tell you when my holidays are to be but I do not think I dare now – but as I read your letter through I realise you have forgiven me causing you the inconvenience of travelling, so here goes: I have been given from the 1st of May – 21st but there is every possibility of getting it changed from these dates to May 19th – June 8th.  I am doing my best anyhow so will let you know in my next letter.

Please excuse these innumerable crossings out, very bad form I know.

Kit is waiting for me – we are going to visit a friend and take some snaps.  I will let you have one if they turn out alright.

I had better close or she will be dragging me out without your letter and then it would not get posted until tomorrow.

So Bye-bye.  Love  Grace x

* Regarding Kit 'signing on' at the Labour Exchange, this is clearly not because Kit was unemployed as she is training to be a nurse alongside Grace.  It may be that all people of working age were at this time required to register with the Ministry of Labour.



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