Friday, 3 April, 1942


Address as usual

Good Friday evening        

My dear Grace,

You certainly are getting good.  Fancy replying to my letter within 24 hours – and you who told me you only wrote four letters per month!

I am told that to reply to a letter immediately is a piece of bad correspondenceship, but believe me, I like it.  Just to show you there’s no ill feeling too, I am writing straight back to you.  That’s three letters in one week.  Do you think we shall be able to keep it up?

I am glad to hear that there is a chance of us being together again next week-end but in your next letter I want you to do one thing – that is assure me that you can spare the time from your exam swotting to come out with me on Saturday and Sunday.  I shall be extremely disappointed if you think you can’t spare the time, but remember you simply have to pass this exam!

My Officer Commanding has not been in too good a mood to-day, and when I asked him about a spot of leave was not too pleasant.

I think however, it is pretty certain that I shall be able to get to Cudworth about 5 p.m. on Saturday.  I shall have to return on Sunday night by the last train.  “Short” you will probably exclaim, but it will certainly be worth it.  I would travel lots further just to see you for a much shorter time.

If I get home at 5 p.m. on Sat’y, it leaves three courses to choose from:-

a)    Meet me at Cudworth and go on to Barnsley for tea and dance

b)    Meet me at Grimethorpe about 6.30 and go to the flicks at Cudworth or Sth Elmsall

c)     Go for a walk

When you write back let me know what you fancy doing. 

And there’s another thing.  Don’t forget you’ve a tea date on the Sunday!

Thanks a lot for the snap.  It’s quite good.  It’s nearly been worn out to-day, too!

I went to see a good film last night – Abbott and Costello in “Ride Em Cowboy”.  It is one good long laugh from start to finish!  If you need a tonic it’s just the thing.

I know that you will write back so that I get a letter on Tuesday or Wednesday, won’t you – and by that time I shall know whether I can have leave and the exact time of my arrival at Cudworth on Sat’y evening.

So until then think of me lots, Darling, as I think of you.

Lots of love, Stan xxxx


  1. Ride 'Em Cowboy is on YouTube. As well as the usual silly stunts, it has a young Ella Fitzgerald singing, also a vigorous jitterbug sequence. Jitterbug had probably just about arrived in England, now that the USA was in the war. I wonder if Stan and Grace ever tried it.

  2. Thanks, that's really interesting, Roger. I think Stan and Grace were more keen on waltzing - much more romantic!


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