Wednesday, 1 April, 1942

The Nurses Home, General Hospital, Nottingham

1st April 1942   12.15 a.m.

My dear Stan,

I am replying to your letter within 24 hours of receiving it.  Don’t you think that is good for me?  I don’t suppose this will be as long as yours, I am sure that I just could not make my grey matter function enough so as to produce enough material for 10 pages.  Anyway, I will do my little best.

Sorry to hear that your journey back was so cold.  I told Kit about your incident on Leeds station.  We both laughed and laughed.  You deserve a medal for that.  Poor girl, she must have felt awfully embarrassed.

I suppose you will have received my letter by now.  If you reply by return of post as I am doing yours, our letters will cross again but I will not reply to your next one, I will wait for a reply to this letter.  You will be able to let me know whether you can get your leave or not.

I have my nights off from 11th – 16th, that is, a week on Saturday.  I have my exam on the 13th though, so will have to come back on Monday but I don’t really mind, as long as you get the week-end.  It will not seem too bad if we both leave Grimethorpe on the same day.  Could you get from Sat: to Monday or will it have to be from Friday to Sunday?  You will let me know as soon as possible won’t you?

By the way, you must not let the memories of the last few days put you off your work.  It is not good for you (ahem).

Sorry to hear that the dance was a flop.  Never mind, I will see what I can do about being home the next time your father organises a dance.

This is the last night of “take-in”, thank goodness.  Almost as soon as we came on duty we had a death.  I was just in the middle of dealing with the same when we had an admission for the theatre immediately.  We did quite well though and got everything cleared away for 11.30 p.m.  That is enough about work though.

I am afraid that I will have to bring my letter to an abrupt end – otherwise I will not catch the post.  Bye-bye for now.

Love Grace x

PS  You will find enclosed the promised snap, which was taken on the balcony outside the lecture room.  The building behind is Nottingham Castle.  



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