Sunday, 14 June, 1942

 Home Forces   


My own Dear Grace,

I was looking forward to a letter from you yesterday afternoon, but as there was none forthcoming I take it that you have been doing lots of work and swotting during the past three or four days.  Perhaps one will arrive tomorrow.  The lads that work in my office say they sincerely hope one does arrive to-morrow, because it puts me in a bad mood when I am disappointed and consequently they suffer!!

Have you had that exam you were “looking forward” to?  If so, let’s know how you fared – and just remember my warning.

The more I see of the weather this week, I am convinced those nine days of hot weather were just for our benefit.  It rained continuously all the day yesterday.  I went to the pictures in the late afternoon to see “Ladies in Retirement” then on to a small cafe I know for supper – and then back to billets and bed.

This cafe I go to is a rather dirty place, but as I go there regularly I am beginning to get well-known & so I get some good meals.  Last night for instance I had bacon eggs & chips, tea bread & butter & two cakes all for two bob.  Have I made your mouth water?

It’s not as good as salmon salad – and of course your company was missing, my dear.

However, nearly one week (it seems much more) has passed since we left each other.  That means a quarter of the waiting period which lays before us before we see each other once more has passed.  Only about 21 more days to wait!

Sunday, the day which I detest in the Army has arrived once more, and I suppose that I, being thoroughly lazy, will retire to my humble couch in about an hour’s time.

I’ve got three Sunday papers & various other things to read, so don’t run away with the idea that I shall sleep!

I had a letter from Mother yesterday.  She asked how you were getting on & sends her love.  She didn’t say anything else in the letter, so apparently nothing has happened in Grimethorpe since you & I left.  They have nothing to talk about now!

Well, Angel, I must dry up now.  It has suddenly struck me that I have a letter of thanks to write to Mrs Simmonds for the socks – and the Gossip Club meets tomorrow, so I must catch this afternoon’s post with it.  I will send them your love, I know they will be pleased!!!

Au revoir for now my Darling, and until next time keep my love.

Yours Stan xxxx

PS.  If I don’t get a letter in the morning I shall come down to Nottingham!  Stan 


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