Thursday, 25 June, 1942

The Nurses Home
General Hospital

Thursday, 12.30 p.m.   

My Darling,

I hoped by the time I wrote this letter I would know when my day off would be but as yet I do not.  I will let you know as soon as possible but I am almost certain that it will not be next week.  I am looking forward to it.  I only hope that this good weather holds.

The exam results are not out yet.  I think the surgeon must have read my paper first, been too disgusted to read any more and given it up as hopeless.

I was so sorry to hear you have been overworking yourself.  Poor boy – it is not good for your tachycardia you know!

I had to laugh when I read about “the latest dispatch from the Grimethorpe front”.  I had a letter from Vera this morning but she did not say anything.  Perhaps she is saving it all up to tell me when I get home.

Have you had the sirens to disturb your slumbers?  We have had them twice within the last week.  The last time they went I was on fire watching duty and had to get up from 3 – 4 a.m.

It was my half-day yesterday and I went to see a friend that lives at Woodthorpe – just outside Nott:  She is not young – about 58 – 60 I think.  She has a lovely garden with beautiful roses in.  I came back with some for my bedroom.  I also had some strawberries.  Very tasty!  I missed the 10 p.m. bus back so did not get in until 11 p.m.  I had asked for late leave so had to go to the office this morning and offer my apologies.

Time is short – I am due back on duty in five minutes time.  There is lots more I could say but it will keep.

All my love, Grace xxxxx



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