Thursday, 23 July, 1942

The Nurses Home 
General Hospital 



So the twins passed their exam for Hemsworth.  I thought that they would.  Of course, there is no need to tell you how pleased I am about it.  I wrote them a letter yesterday congratulating them.

Thank you so much for the parcel dear.  It arrived intact.  I have not quite decided what to make with the material yet.  I think that I will take it home next time I go and let mother give it a boil, just to take out that blue tinge which is left.  I appreciated the comb too.  It seems pretty strong, so it should stand up to hard wear and tear.  (Yes, I know that I should not expect too much with hair like mine).

I was not a bit surprised when I received your letter this morning and you asked for the one snap which I said I did not like.  I am so sorry to disappoint you my dear but I really do not like it so I think that I will send you one of the others instead.  Dreadful aren’t I?

We are just waiting for another sunny day and then we can take the last snap of Kit’s film and get it developed.

So you have to try your shorthand have you? Well, my dear, a little exercise, just to keep in practice you know.

We are having a busy time on the ward these days.  We got a suicide case in during the night, which made every bed full.  39 patients in all.  It takes me all my time trying to remember who’s who.  I guess we will be sleeping them on the floor next.


I have just returned from lunch and wonder of wonders – we had new potatoes!

Kit and I decided to take the last snap of her film to-day so if we take the film to be developed to-morrow, we should have it back by next week-end.

I am just reading the book “Rebecca”.  Have you read it?  It is not quite what I expected but is very good.  Rather a queer beginning has it not?

I cannot think of anything else that I have done or seen – oh yes!  I nearly forgot.  The fire!  The sirens went two nights ago and once again I was on fire watching duty.  I heard the sirens go and slowly, into my half awake brain, came the thought that I was on fire watching duty.  I thought “Well, if they want me they can jolly well come and fetch me.”  I just turned over and gazed through the window and saw a huge glow in the sky.  I jumped out of bed then, wondering what it could be as I had not heard any planes.  I collected a tin helmet and went on to top corridor and there, behind the hospital was this huge fire.  After about 20 minutes the “all clear” went with the fire still burning fiercely.

A sister then appeared and told us that the fire was not due to enemy action but that there had been an explosion at a nearby garage and they had sounded the sirens to get the fire engines there quicker!  Was I mad?

That really does end the news now my dear.

Yours with love, Grace xxxxxx


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