Monday, 17 August, 1942

The Nurses Home


My Darling

I am having my half-day Tuesday – day off Wednesday next week.  I asked for it at the beginning of the month and Sister said I could have it so I hope it will be convenient for you.

I often wish we could see each other more often than once every two months but as we cannot until this silly war is over I suppose I just ought to count my blessings and think myself lucky that I am seeing you next week.  I am really darling – I am getting quite excited.  Its been like waiting two years not two months.

I feel as you do about the last week.  The time simply crawls along and each minute seems like an hour and I look forward more and more to your letters – if that is possible. 

I am hoping and hoping that this good weather holds.

Did I tell you that the last snaps were not a success?  I am sorry my dear but I will let you see them next week and see what you think.

The dance we gave last Saturday was a success.  Everybody had a good time & nobody misbehaved and we made a profit of £3-5-8.  As we did not go all out for the profit but just to give everybody a good time I think that it was not too bad.

The profit, however, was not for ourselves but to pay for the Radiogram which some of the new probationers broke.  They put it on in the middle of a storm and it was not earthed properly – the result was burnt valves.

I have no news from the “Grimethorpe front” and there is no more news from myself I am afraid.

Yes, I am mean I suppose only sending you three and a half pages but I cannot think of anything else that you might be interested in – except of course that I still love you and as I think you are aware of that I will say good-bye my darling until the next letter.

All my love dear, Grace.   xxxxxxx



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