Monday, 3 August, 1942
The Nurses Home
General Hospital
My Darling Stan,
I was so thrilled this morning to receive two letters from you.
I was sorry to hear you have such a dreadful cold. I wondered how I had caught my cold but now I have come to the conclusion that you posted some of your cold bugs in your letters to me and so transmitted your cold to me. I suppose you will say it is improbable and well, maybe it is and maybe it is not.
As I write this the “Alert” is on and a Jerry is hovering in the clouds. He is becoming a much too frequent visitor these days. The siren went during the night and I was on fire watching duty, which meant that I lost an hour’s sleep.
So you are having a busy time in Scotland. Sorry they are keeping you so busy but maybe it is a good job, you know how the old proverb goes – “The devil always finds something for idle hands to do.”
Now I am making horrid remarks but you know that I do not really mean them and that I do trust you Darling, it will soon be the 6th of August. Does it mean anything to you?
The weather has changed a great deal since Saturday. It is wet and cold and really horrid. Talking or maybe I should say writing about the weather being wet reminds me of the bit I read in your letter about you putting on a wet coat! Really Stan – you are certainly asking for trouble. I was pleased to hear that Major Foot is looking after you. I wish I could change him places. By the way, you are a lucky person – having quinine, it is treasured more than gold in this hospital. It is terribly difficult to obtain and they have to keep our small stock for malairial treatment.
I am glad you got my letter last Tuesday. I have posted two more to you since – to your old address – so I suppose they will be waiting for you on your return. I hope you receive this one alright. This also does seem a peculiar address.
I will close now my dear. Now do not forget – look after that cold as so many things start with the common cold and you sound to have a pretty bad one.
All my love darling.
Grace xxxxxxx
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