Saturday, 24 October, 1942

G. H. N.

Saturday 12 M.D.  

My Darling,

I expected a letter from you this morning but as one has not arrived I expect I shall receive one this afternoon.

Now for a bit of good news.  I go on night duty tonight.  Yesterday, Kit went on night duty on Pay-Bed Wing and this morning Laughton was to go on but as she had only been on day duty for two months she went to Matron.  As a result of her interview with Matron I am going on.  I am so thrilled about it.  Not that I like night duty – I don’t – but the fact that I hope to get my nights off to correspond with your leave – just think – four weeks to-day and we shall be together again.

I think that I might be going on Pay Bed Wing – I hope so.

I went to the flicks yesterday to see “First of the Few”.  I have seen it before but Kit had not, so I decided to go with her as it is a good picture.  

I am afraid that I have not much more time left as it is almost time to go back on duty.  We have had such a busy morning – 5 cases for theatre – two of which are big ones, a thyroid and a gall bladder.  I will not bore you any more with talking shop but will say Au-Revoir Darling.

All my love, Grace  xxxx

P.S. Had a letter from home yesterday.  They all wish to be remembered to you


  1. The film "The First of the Few" was a dramatised documentary about how Reginald Mitchell conceived and designed the Spitfire. Inevitably it took a few liberties with the facts, but nothing serious, and would have been a very popular film so soon after the Battle of Britain.

  2. Thank you, Roger. I didn't know what the film was about, so that's interesting to know.


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