Sunday, 18 October, 1942

Usual address

11 p.m.  Sunday evening  

My Own Darling,

You kept me on tenterhooks last week, waiting for a letter from you!  I suppose I asked for it however, being so nasty tempered last time I wrote to you, and I am sorry.  The trouble has been lately that work has kept piling up & it didn’t matter how long I worked the pile never seemed to get less.

At 11 pm tonight however, things look a bit straighter & I can actually see my desk, instead of it being littered with paper!

I am looking forward to there being a letter from you in the morning & am more than sorry that I couldn’t manage one to reach you for first post Monday.  Still, the old adage “Better late than never” will have to apply in this case.

How’s work going at your end?  Any chance of the night duty coming along?  I hope so, because it will be much nicer if you can get home when I am on leave instead of me having to come to Nottingham.

I had a letter from home the other day.  Mother said that John & Janet were getting on very well at school & Janet was second in her class.  She is a very bright little girl.

Well, Darling, I must stop now & go to bed.  Will write again to-morrow after getting your letter.

Hope my bad temper is forgiven.

All my love, Darling.  Yours Stan  xxxx



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