Sunday, 25 October, 1942

Usual address

Sunday 10.30 p.m.   

My Dear Grace,

I am glad to hear that you found your short stay at home such a pleasant break.  I agree with you, it is nice to get home – especially when there’s a good meal waiting for you, too!!

I could just do with a visit home now.  I have been putting in 13 hours a day all this week & I can tell you, its no fun.  I don’t know how much longer working at this pressure is to continue, I am sure, but I hope its not for much longer.

Yes, Mother appears to have been rather peeved about a letter, or something, but I am sure I wrote to her at the same time as I wrote to you.  The letter must have been delayed, or something.

I am glad you had time for a visit to no 19 & that you took your Mother up too.  (By the way, Horticulture is not my strong point, but the spelling of those flowers is: chrysanthemum!!!)

Remember me to Vera when you next write.  Its nice to think someone thinks something about me!  I often think of her, life doesn’t hold much for anyone at the moment but with her share, it amazes me that she keeps so cheerful.

We had a dance last night & I finished work at 9 p.m. & looked in for the last couple of hours.  After being used to the friendly northern people, these Yokels here seem very cold & distant.  They all seem to treat you with suspicion (perhaps its my face).

Well, its raining cats & dogs outside & I have ¾ of a mile to walk from this office to the Mess, so I suppose I really ought to be making tracks.

I’ll write at the beginning of the week when its not so late as it is at the moment & I am in a bit better mood.

So until then, keep my love.  Yours Stan xxxx


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