Tuesday, 27 October, 1942

G. H. N.

Tuesday  10.30 p.m.    


Having kept me waiting for a letter from you for goodness knows how many days, I received one just before I came on duty.

I was so worried Darling, wondering why I had not heard from you, but I understand – I was pleased to hear that you are getting the work down a bit.  You must be feeling tired out.  I only hope my letters act as a stimulant to you, as yours do to me.

I did not get to bed until 12 mid-day and was called again at 5 p.m. for a lecture.  I felt tired out and depressed because I had not heard from you.  I am afraid that the lecture did not penetrate my grey matter. 

As soon as lecture was over I saw the maid who delivers night staff letters and sure enough there was one for me.

I felt as if I could jump over the moon then!  It’s queer what love does to one, is it not?

I am hoping there will be post from you to-morrow, in reply to my last letter.  I am afraid I am greedy when it comes to receiving letters from you.

Night Sister has just been and interrupted me – she is a nuisance, why would she not wait until I had finished?

Ah well! one of these days when I am a night Sister!!!!  (Never I hope)

This night duty I am to be the general M.U.G.  That is, going to wards where nurses have gone for nights off.  There is one advantage however, when it comes to nights off I have not to consider whether we are “taking in” or not.

And now Darling, I will not keep you in suspense any longer – I have got my nights off from Nov 22nd – 27th.  Isn’t it super?

Sister put me down for the second but I asked for the twenty-second and got it.  It was not quite as simple as it sounds but that does not matter.

Regarding your “bad tempered letter” – forget it Dear as I have done.

Sorry, I have had to write to you on this note-paper but it is the best this ward has to offer.

There is a pile of linen by my side waiting to be made into bandages so I guess I had better make a start.

Good-night Darling,

Yours as always, love Grace  xxxx


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