Tuesday, 6 October, 19942

The Nurses Home
General Hosp


Dearest Stan,

I suppose that you will be settling down in Norfolk.  In your next letter I hope to have a long account of your journey and of how life is lived in Norfolk.  Are you in the wilds again or are you in town?

It is a pity you had to move this week as I hope to go home next.  I would have liked my day-off Tuesday or Wednesday but as I have a lecture Tuesday evening I am afraid it is out of the question.

I am going to try and get half day Wednesday, day off Thursday but that may also be improbable as we start “taking in” on Wednesday for a week.  I think that I have explained before that it means admitting to our ward all the female surgical emergencies for that week.  If Sister will not let me have Thursday I shall have to wait till the week-end of the following week.

It seems ages since I was home last, so I am looking forward to going.  I only wish you could manage it too.

Everyone is feeling very sad here to-day.  Do you remember me telling you that one of our Sisters was seriously ill?  I am sorry to say that she died Saturday and is being buried today.  She was a Sister that was liked by nearly all the staff and I am afraid that she will be missed.  She was quite young too – only 32.

I am afraid that I have nothing fresh to report and I am nearly due back on duty – bed would suit me better.

Hope that this letter does not take too long to reach you.

All at home wish to be remembered to you.  All my love, dear, Grace  xxxx

P. S. ‘Scuse all the mistakes but as I said before I feel very tired to-day – I don’t know why and I certainly have not had late nights recently.  In fact, I fell asleep whilst I was writing this.


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