Wednesday, 21 October, 1942

G. H. N.


My Own Darling,

I received your letter about half an hour ago.  Your previous one I received Monday afternoon.  I was pleased to note that you were in a much better frame of mind when you wrote the second letter.

I was going to write you Sunday, as I promised, but when I got off duty Sunday evening it was too late to catch the post, so I decided I would wait until Monday as I would most likely have one from you.

What a letter it was when I did receive it.

I can quite understand you being bad tempered though all work and no play is no joke and then my letter to crown it all – well – I suppose I deserved the letter you sent me.

I did not think at the time though – I sat down immediately and replied – I read the letter through before I posted it and decided not to post it after all, I would wait until I received a reply to my last letter – so now you know why you did not receive the promised letter.

However, I will try and make this one make up for the one you never received.

I am still on day duty.  There are about four due on night duty before me so goodness knows when I will go on.  I will have to keep living in hope.

I have not heard from home since I got back, so cannot tell you any “home news”.

How is it that you always seem to be stuck in a place where they have ancient films? 

Kit and myself went to see “Between Us Girls” starring Robert Cummings and Kay Francis.  It was quite good and gave us a laugh in parts.

“The First of the Few” and “Mrs Minniver” are showing this week but I have seen them both as Trade Shows.

Sorry to hear the “Sirens” kept you on your toes the other day.  Thank goodness we have not had them for weeks.

Kit is worrying me and telling me to hurry up as I promised her I would go with her to see Florence.  She is not very well these days, poor little thing.

I am in luck's way to-day, Sister gave me an afternoon off which means I miss visiting.  I detest being on for visitors.  They come and ask such ridiculous questions and there are so many flowers.  I love flowers but they just get me down – the ward is like a flower show.

There is Kit calling me again – I suppose I will have to close.

Bye-bye Darling.  Love Grace.  xxxx


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