Friday, 6 November, 1942

Usual address

Friday 12 a.m.  

My Own Darling,

What a nice long letter I received from you today!  I am only sorry that I can’t think of enough to tell you to make this one as long.  Still I have a try.

Apart from throwing it down with rain continually from last Friday to today, very little has happened here.  All the men have been out on exercise & so things have been even quieter than usual this week (if that’s possible)!

To celebrate their return, however, we are holding a dance this evening, but unless the weather clears up & the girls from the surrounding villages come in on their cycles, there will not be many partners, I don’t suppose.

I wish you were within cycling distance of this place.  There would be some interest in the dance for me then.  It seems much longer than three months since I held you in my arms & danced with you in the Palais at Nottingham; an enjoyable night that, despite the fact that it was warm inside and wet out!

I wonder if there is likely to be any “decent” dances on in Grimethorpe or Cudworth, whilst we are at home.  We shall have to have a scout round & see.

I had my first visit to the pictures for over a fortnight on Tuesday when I went to see “Sundown”, which had as its star Gene Tierney.  She is a most glamorous female, too.

You are getting quite plutocratic having a wireless to listen to whilst you lay snuggled up in bed.  Bed is one of the best places to enjoy the wireless, I think.

I too am getting quite “worked up” about this coming leave.  I am ticking off the days as they go by, the only trouble being that they don’t go by half quick enough.  So you are busy knitting in readiness, are you?  I thought you once told me you objected to knitted jumpers?  Perhaps I got the wrong idea!!

Well, Darling, the dinner hour is over & I suppose I had better do a spot more work.

I’ll write again on Sunday.  Until then, keep my love.  Yours, Stan  xxxxx



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