Monday, 30 November, 1942 - Two letters from Grace

G. H. N.


My Own Darling,

I am writing this short note so that there will be something waiting for you when you get back  (no, I will not call it a letter!)

I was so thrilled with your letter – I will answer that to-night when I hope to have a bit more time.

I have been quite busy since I came back - swotting – or at least – trying to, but my thoughts are inclined to wander in another direction.  You can guess where.

Until to-night then.  Bye-bye Darling.

All my love, Grace  xxxxxx


G. H. N.

Monday, 11 p.m.      

My Own Darling,

I am afraid that my letter this morning was rather brief but I will try and make up for it with this one.

I had been anxiously waiting for Monday morning to arrive ever since I came back on Friday.  I knew there would be a letter for me.

You sound so miserable Darling.  I know how you must feel thought as I felt that way myself.  Please Darling, try not to feel depressed.  Remember, some day we will be together for always.  May be it will not be so far away either.

For myself – well – I am not quite as depressed as I was the first two days I was back but I still have that aching feeling.

I think of you often Dear – and of our future together.

So there has been another “Mothers Meeting”.  You know, Darling, I think our families are as thrilled with us as we are with each other!  I am so glad – I should have hated it to have been any other way.

I will write to your mother some time in the near future.  I guess she will be feeling a bit depressed when you have gone back.

In just over an hour it will be December 1st and in 6 more days it will be our 10th anniversary.  Time goes so quickly but the next two years cannot go quick enough for me.

So Janet went stepping out with you on Saturday did she?  I suppose John was at Kenyons?  Was he jealous when he knew where Janet had been?

I suppose it would be better in Leeds than when we were there last.  Phew!  The weather that day.

Oh! You nasty thing!  I have been reading your letter over and have got to your sarky bit about our definite plans.  If you were here I would – well - I don’t know what I would do.  I suppose I would kiss you, just the same.

I saw Kit this morning.  She was very anxious to know what had happened on my nights off.  Of course she only got to know certain happenings – such as going to the flicks, etc.  The others Darling are “just between ourselves”.

And now, Precious, I am afraid that duty calls in the way of redressing a septic finger and one or two other duties unmentionable to males.

Even though I am not with you in person my love and thoughts are with you always, Darling.  Grace   xxxxxxx


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