Sunday, 1 November, 1942 Grace's letter - and news of Eric

Ward 2A

Sunday, 3 a.m.  

My Darling,

I suppose you will have received my last letter telling you about my nights off.  It was grand getting your letter, though it was not very newsy.  I agree with you, there is not much to write about.  Of course, I can tell you how much I love you – that is – if you are not tired of hearing it.

However, I have a spot of fresh news for you - I had a letter from Eric Friday morning.  He said that he was quite well and that we had not to worry about him.  He also said that he was looking forward to being home again but did not say when he might be coming.  He sent me a few snaps which I am sending home for the rest of the family to see.  Of course, they might have heard from him too.

Well Darling, this letter is short but it is better than nothing (I hope). 

We had a case in about an hour ago – an abdominal – and I have to prep her – just in case she has to go to the theatre.  I will write you a longer letter next time.

Bye Darling – all my love, Grace  xxxxxx

What is happening to Eric?

After the sinking of the 'Eagle', Eric was hospitalised in Gibraltar, recovering from hypothermia.  This meant that he missed being sent back to the UK with most of the other surviving crew shortly after the sinking

When he was well again, Eric was sent to an airfield in North Africa.  He was part of a team repairing a runway when it was bombed.  Eric was the only member of the team to survive.  At this point he was transferred back to the UK and spent the rest of the war instructing new engineering recruits.

The photo below is one of Eric taken at that time, possibly among those that he sent in the letter to Grace.



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