Saturday, 12 December, 1942

Nurses Home
General Hospital,

Dec: 12.  12.30 a.m. 1942

My Own Darling,

Once again I snatch a few minutes to write your letter.  I thought that once we had finished “take-in” week we would be slack for a while but we are just as busy.

There is a patient dying to the left of me so don’t be surprised if this letter is very short.  However, I will make it last as long as possible.

Well, Darling, that so and so exam is over at last. I am afraid that I don’t feel very happy about it.  (Sorry Darling, but that patient has just died – I will finish later.)

Sunday  12.15 a.m.

Phew! What a night last night was – However, here’s hoping to-night is going to keep quiet.

My mind keeps jumping three weeks ahead.  I most likely will be fast asleep in bed at home.  Happy thought!  Unless, of course, you can manage your 48 hrs and then Precious, I might be in your arms.

Darling, how I am longing to be with you again – to be close to you and hear you whisper “Angel – I love you”.  To sit at the same table with you – to listen to the wireless with you and all the other hundred and one things which we do together.

You ask me if I will have my shattered nerves restored by Jan 1st.  My Dear, you do not think for one minute do you that you destroy anything which I have?  Far from it – you act as a stimulant and tone up my nervous system.  There are lots of things I could say about this particular subject but I will not – I will leave the subject of “nerves” alone.

So your watch is still going.  I have managed to break another one,  I pulled it out of my pocket when I was getting the poison cupboard key out the other night.  It dashed upon the stone floor so I will leave you to guess what it was like.

I guess I have told you all my news now my Dear and it is time for Sister to do a round.  I also have a new junior nurse on with me to-night.  The regular one has gone for her nights off.  This one will be alright when she gets into the regular routine but I am having to keep my eye on her for the first night.  

Anyway, I will not bore you any longer talking shop.  I am hoping there will be a letter from you to-morrow.  I don’t suppose you will receive this until Tuesday.

All my love Darling, Grace


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