Sunday, 27 December, 1942 - Grace
Ward Castle 2 Nurses
Dec 27 12MN 1942
My Own Darling,
Once again Christmas is over. How did you spend your time? Did you have a Merry time?
I expect a nice long letter letting me know all about it.
We have been quite busy over Christmas but have made the best of things. Christmas Eve we had a small party. I received your letter at midnight. I was pleased to hear you liked your Christmas present. I really did not know what you would like.
John and Janet sent me a sweet little spray of suede flowers for my coat. It was very thoughtful of them. Not many children would think of anything like that. Your Mother also wrote me a very nice letter and I had an interesting letter from Janet.
Christmas Day, Kit and myself actually went to church. When we came back we had port wine and then spent the rest of the day in bed.
We had our Christmas dinner this morning. We had soup followed by turkey and its accessories, Christmas pudding and fruit salad. It was cooked and served very nicely and everybody enjoyed themselves.
That however is quite enough about my Christmas. What I am really looking forward to is Jan 1st 1943. Only five more days! I am beginning to feel really excited. It should be six according to the date on this letter but having had a few interruptions I am finishing it early Sunday morning.
We have our annual dance on Wednesday 30th. It starts at 8.30 p.m. and we night nurses are supposed to be back on the wards for mid-night. Generous aren’t they?
Now, my dear, time is short, so no more for now.
My love as always, Darling. Grace
There are letters from both Stan and Grace today. Just scroll up on the main page to find Stan's letter.
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