Sunday, 6 December, 1942 - Stan's letter

Usual address

Sunday  6.12.42

My Own Darling,

I thought I would snatch a few moments during my lunch “break” (I won’t say “hour” because it never is!) to write an odd line or two to you in the hope that it arrives to cheer you on your way at the start of another week.

Well, Darling, you have been back over a week now & I suppose therefore you will have more or less got back into the hum-drum existence of the G.H.N.

Speaking for myself, although the five days seem more like years, I have had my time filled in to catch up with work left undone while we were together.

I am not going to make any rash promises, Angel, but as things stand at the moment I should not be at all surprised if I don’t manage to “wrangle” a 48 hours leave sometime during 1 – 5 Jan!  Would you mind having to say “Goodbye” to me again?  I don’t think you would, would you?!!

As I said in my last letter, however, things seemed to have slacked off a bit here – so “Here’s Hoping”.


Then the disappointment if I can’t manage it will not be too great will it.   Remember what your Mother said about building castles in the air.

Thinking about Christmas shopping, you never told me what you wanted Father Christmas to bring you, did you.  Don’t forget some suggestions in your next letter.

Our first Christmas together will be a memorable occasion I am sure, Darling, but then, as far as we both are concerned, any time we have had (and will have) together have been memorable haven’t they.

I have certainly a lot to be thankful for & think about, my Dear.

Well, don’t let thinking about me put you off this exam to-morrow, will you & “lots of luck”.

Remember the passing of all the exams that are to come is part of the foundations to our life to come.

Cheerio for now, Darling.  I’ll write lots more to-morrow evening when I am away from the office & in quieter surroundings.

All my love.  Yours Stan   xxxxx

Readers please note - we are now beginning to see days when both Grace and Stan write a letter.  I am putting these on the blog as separate posts.  Don't miss the letter from Grace written on today's date.  I can see from the reader views that lots of you missed Stan's letters on 1 and 30 November - scroll back down the list of posts if you want to read them.


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