Wednesday, 16 December, 1942 - Stan's Letter

Home Forces

Wednesday  16.12.42

My Own Darling,

I spent an anxious day yesterday waiting for a letter from you.  When one didn’t arrive on Monday I felt sure there would be one for me yesterday.  You can imagine my feelings when the post arrived & nothing came along for me!

I immediately began to wonder if there was anything wrong.  I thought perhaps one of your irrational patients had bitten your hand so that you couldn’t write or something just as terrible had happened!!

No, Darling, it wasn’t your fault I know – just the blankety blank Army Post Office to blame again.  It is annoying when you are waiting for a letter from someone you love very much & it doesn’t materialise, isn’t it?

Yes, I bet you feel relieved now you have got the exam over.  They are apt to be worrying, I suppose.  Let me know the result as soon as you get it won’t you.

We have had a bit of a flap on here for the past two days.  The Inspector General of Signals has been to look round the place to-day & in consequence I have had a busy two days compiling statistics for him etc.  The fuss that has been made was great enough for the King, never mind a General!

Look, Angel, you promised to send me some of those small photographs when you got back to Nottingham, didn’t you.  Any chance of them coming along?  These snaps I have of you are just about worn-out!!

Just had an interruption & have forgotten what I was going to tell you next.  Annoying isn’t it.

Ah me!  You seem to spend your days surrounded by dead bodies.  Don’t you find it rather sickening at times.  Don’t get too used to dealing with dead people will you, because I am always filled with new life when you are around & I don’t want you to forget how to deal with me.

Perhaps this letter is a bit jumbled & garbled, my dear, but you will have to make allowances for all the many interruptions, I have had during the past hour.

Towards the week-end when things have quietened down a little I’ll write you a really long letter.

Do you think you can wait until then?

Here’s one grand bit of news, by the way, the Colonel is going away for New Year & so it looks as though nothing is going to happen to us before then, so the prospect of 48 hrs would appear very rosy.

Golly.  Am I glad, too!  I’m ticking the days off on the calendar & if it had hours marked on it, I should tick them of too!  Only another 16 days!  All my love, Angel.

Stan  xxxx

Readers please note - there is also a letter from Grace dated 16 December.  Scroll down on your main screen to find it.



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