Probably 30 January, 1943
My Own Precious Darling,
This morning I received the first letter you wrote me last Sunday. It must have arrived at Grimethorpe Monday afternoon, Mother sent it to the G.H.N. and once again it had to be re-posted.
I was sorry to hear that you too have a cold. I wonder if my germs have been posted to you or vice-versa.
You finished your first letter with “Until tonight Darling, as always, you have my love”. Wouldn’t it have been just heavenly if it had been so – if only for a few hours. But then, I suppose if we did see each other for a few hours we would not be satisfied and it would make us unsettled again. Ah me! Wishful thinking!
By the way, you wondered if I took my sewing when I visited your home. As a matter of fact I did take my sewing up on the Sunday and we all had tea round the fire. There was only one thing wrong – you were not there to complete the party.
I hope to go home for my day off soon. Next week it is my day off on Monday but I have a lecture. The week after it will be Thursday day off for me. Sister says that I can have a ½ day this Sunday but I shall try and wangle it a week next Wednesday. It takes an hour to get into the city so getting home now will be no joke.
I have not got over the fact of being dumped out here. This place was originally built for a school but the Government decided that they would run the place as a hospital for wounded soldiers etc., and attach it to the G.H.N. Not having had many wounded however our patients come out from the G.H.N. when they are nearly at the convalescence stage. We also get a few chronic Cerebrals.
Every single thing is marked G.R. or H.M. Gov’t including bedpans, etc. The King and his Government should never run short.
The beds are narrow iron affairs. In fact the first night I was frightened of rolling out of mine.
I suppose that as there is a war on we have to be thankful for small mercies and put up with these things.
The Sisters – or at least – the two that matter, are just - - - - old hypocrites. They have morning prayers and services, etc. but have done the most mean, despicable tricks upon various people. They are both big, fat women who creep about (try to) peeping through windows and prying into everybodies business. My Sister is “duty struck”. I cannot get rid of her and there is hardly a thing to do.
However – I am being like the wise old owl – “The more I see, the less I speak”.
I am sure that you must be getting bored with this “shop” so I will switch to something else.
I saw this little verse the other day and it reminded me of our last leave together.
Too soon for me I know
Duty’s call will sound for you
And I must let you go.”
I know that you are not particularly fond of poetry. I hope you don’t mind me quoting bits occasionally.
It is time for me to make my way upon the ward, Darling,
so I will leave you all my love until next time. Yours for ever, Grace xxxxxxx
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