Wednesday, 13 January, 1943 - Grace's letter


G.H.N.   Castle No. 2          

12 a.m.  13.1.43   

My Precious Darling,

I am afraid that this letter will be “short and sweet”.  We started “taking in” this morning and we have been terribly busy since we came on at 8 p.m.  We had a Nun admitted – she is very ill.  The new Dr. we have whilst our own is on sick leave is nothing but a so & so fool.  It took him 1½ hours to do an intravenous saline where it takes most Drs ¼ an hour.  In the end he handed the forceps and cannular over to me and I managed to get into the vein.   Of course he passed a sarcastic remark about my next job being that of theatre Sister but he got as good an answer in return.  The trouble is he is a middle aged man and has been in private practice for some years but he will not admit that he is out of practice and tries to do things that he knows nothing about.  However, that is quite enough of work, etc..

Darling – last week at this time we were rejoicing because I had not come back.  How I wish time would go back – but then, if it did, it would mean one week more to wait to belonging entirely to you.  My Darling – I love you more & more each day – if you think it at all possible.  I was hoping there would be a letter from you this morning and there was.  I love to hear how much you enjoyed our time together.  The more I think about it the more I look forward to our future together.

It is now 1.30 a.m. No!  I have not been so long in writing two pages – I was disturbed in the middle of it to admit another case.  I do hope that I don’t have anything else in to-night.

Enclosed you will find the promised snaps*.  I suppose you think that it is not before time.

I went out shopping this morning.  Actually I went to get a canvas for a fire-screen but could not get one anywhere.  I hunted all over Nottingham.  I was very disappointed but will have a look round Doncaster when I go.  By the way – I thought you might be interested to know that I have bought a tin opener!!!  You asked me to promise you that I would go home by train next time.  Don’t worry – I have made up my mind about this Dear.  I definitely shall go by train.

I really must close now – I have a letter of sympathy to write to a friend.  Do you remember me telling you that I went out to tea at Christmas to an aunt of N. Marks.  Well this aunt was looking after Marks' young brother & sisters as their Mother died about a year ago.  Marks went home to Wales for her “nights off” and the first night at home her Father had a cerebral thrombosis and died exactly a year to the day after her Mother.  I think it is tragic.  Marks is the eldest of five and she is only 21.

Well Dear, this letter seems a bit of a ramble.  Hope you can fathom it.

Bye-bye Darling, my love for ever, Grace xxxxxxx

P.S. Hope you are not finding your first few days back too irksome.  Remember Dear – each day that goes by is one less to wait.

If you want any particular snap that I have not enclosed let me know and I will send it you.

*These photos seem to be some of the 'proofs' of a studio session.  It is not certain that these are the photos referred to in the letter, but it seems likely.


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