Wednesday, 27 January, 1943
The General Hospital Annexe
My Precious Darling,
You will no doubt be surprised to see a new address. Yesterday, at 12.30 the Ass. Matron informed me that I was to come out here – 15 miles out in the country. I was very annoyed as you can imagine. Laughton, one of my friends is out here so I suppose I shall not find it too bad.
I had all my belongings to pack and catch the 3.40 p.m. bus from the bus station so it was a rush.
Since I came I have hardly had a thing to do. In fact – after the G.H.N. it is heaven (nearly).
I do not go off duty to-day until 5 p.m. – so whilst Sister is away I am taking the opportunity of writing you this brief letter.
Your last letter arrived at 10 p.m. yesterday. One of the nurses had brought it back from the General for me.
Darling – it was simply grand getting a letter like that from you. I really have not time to answer it as I would like to and sitting at a desk in the middle of a ward of women is not the exact place for inspiration. (Not that I need a great deal.)
By the way – you might be interested to know that I am staff nurse on this ward. They usually have somebody about to take their finals or one who has just taken them.
However, if Sister returns and finds me writing this I might go down a little in her estimation.
Until I have time to write again Dear – you have all my
love, yours ever, Grace xxxxx
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