I hope you will excuse me dipping out of the letters for one day to say "Welcome" to new readers. I don't know who you are - I can only see the number of views and the number of readers in different countries. It would be nice if you could click the 'Follow' button and then I can see your names.
To readers from the USA, please do get in touch either via making a 'Comment' or via the Contact form if there is anything you don't understand. We are indeed "two peoples divided by a common language" as Winston Churchill said and the language you are reading is English as spoken by two Yorkshire people over 80 years ago, so sometimes it might be puzzling.
I always say to people that the letters are a love story in real time, so sometimes you might find the letters a bit mundane and the story slow to unfold, but now is a good time to join as Stan is about to go abroad - like most soldiers at this time, it will be the first time he has left the UK. Grace is starting to save the majority of his letters so we begin to get a real, two-sided conversation.
I hope you enjoy sharing their experiences.
I was taught at a young age to write to my grandparents and still have their letters to me from the 1950s. I have one correspondent with whom I have been exchanging letters for more than 60 years. I enjoy the letters between Stan and Grace, and "check the post" every morning after looking at the weather and news online.