Monday, 8 March, 1943

General Hospital Annexe                                                     No. 4


My Own Darling,

I received your letter this morning.  It came as a marvellous surprise Darling.  I really did not expect one for another week or two.  It was really wonderful.  I have just written home and to your Mother telling them “all the news”.

My Dear, the best part of your letter was hearing how much you still care.

Try not to get downhearted Darling.  You did sound just a little depressed.  Remember – after this war we will be able to do all that we have planned to do and that we shall be together for always.  I love you so much Darling – you are continually in my thoughts – everything I do now I do with one thought in mind and you know what that is – our future together.

By the time the war is over Dear I hope to be S.R.N. (I might even achieve that before the end of the war) and then we can go right ahead with our plans.

I wish you could see the things I have ready to take home with me the next time I go.  All for the “bottom drawer”.  They are gradually collecting.  Mother will be asking me if I want half the house to stick them in if I go on.  The drawer will certainly not hold much more.

I have been wondering Darling if this letter will reach you for your birthday.  I suppose it will be no good sending you a greeting of any kind.  I don’t suppose you will get it.

Just in case this does arrive for March 22nd I will wish you a very happy birthday, Dear, and may we be together next year to celebrate it together.

It would be marvellous if Eric and Bessie were together too for March 22nd of next year – to celebrate their wedding anniversary.  I can hardly realise that they have been married two years.

By the way – I have decided to keep your birthday present as a surprise for when you come home.  I shall take it for your Mother to put away for you next time I go.

Your lounge certainly sounds a super piece of architecture.  The “dust proof” part of it would suit me fine but I am afraid that both of us have high ambitions.

However – I suppose if we know what we want it is worth some-thing.  Whether we get it or not remains to be seen!

And now my Darling – it is time for bed.  Good-night – Precious and happy dreams.

I am as always – Yours for ever, Grace   xxxxxxx


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