Friday, 20 March, 1942

The Nurses Home
General Hospital


Dear Stan,

Thanks for your letter.  I am so sorry to disappoint you but I shall not be going home until Tuesday.  I start my nights off on Sunday but have a lecture Monday evening from 6 – 7 p.m. and it is too late to go home after 7 p.m., so I have to wait until Tuesday morning.  I shall leave here at about 9.40 a.m. and arrive in Doncaster at about 12.20 p.m. at the Waterdale Bus Station and catch the 2 p.m. bus home, so if you are not doing anything of importance on Tuesday – well – I will leave the rest to you.  By the way, a bus leaves Grimethorpe at 11 a.m. and arrives in Doncaster at 12 MD.

I suppose if I tried hard enough I could get Monday’s lecture excused but I have decided not to as I take an exam a fortnight on Monday and I must pass it, I should hate to fail and have to sit it again.

I am looking forward to my nights off, I feel so tired these days, I feel ready for a little relaxation.  I think that night duty is rather trying.  You say that you only went out 3 times last week.  Do you know I have been to the pictures once in six weeks and that was only to a trade show, last week.

I don’t mind really, we all have to take our turn doing night duty and we have a lot to be thankful for.

Well Stan, I hope that you do not mind this rather short letter but I have a lecture about meningitis to write up, so, until next week – Cheerio.

Love Grace

Come back soon for Stan's first saved letter on 22 March.


  1. In the heading right at the top, could you add the day of the week? It would help us to track even more clearly the daily lives of these young people.

  2. Quite right, Roger - it would help. I have added the day (Friday) to the heading and will try to make sure posts have both day and date. When they start writing regularly the letters also cross, so keeping track can be challenging!


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