Stan's First Saved Letter - Sunday, 22 March, 1942

Note: 22 March was Stan's 23rd birthday



My Dear Grace,

I am rather disappointed that you couldn’t make it today, but I realise that work must come first and so I am patiently waiting for Tuesday to come around.

I shall be waiting for you at Waterdale, so look out for me won’t you.  We should just have time to have some lunch before we catch the 2 p.m. bus to Grimethorpe.

If you have only been out once in the past six weeks you will be ready to hit the high spots, I should imagine.

Will you have to be back before Friday?  My Father is organising another Nursing Association dance.  Remember what happened at the last one?

Well, it’s very difficult writing at the moment.  My brother and sister are chasing the dog round the table and its proving too hectic for decent letter writing.

Until Tuesday therefore “au Revoir” and much love.


This photo shows Stan's younger brother and sister, John and Janet, with their dog, Kiltie, a Scottish Terrier.  At the time of the letter they would have been 11 years old and this photo was probably taken a couple of years later.


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