Thursday, 27 August, 1942

19 Burntwood Road

Thursday evening    

My Own Darling,

Its just 11 p.m. and difficult to realise that 24 hours ago I had the thrill of holding you in my arms and now it cannot be repeated for another seven weeks.  I had a walk outside a few minutes ago.  It is a grand night & there is a big moon shining in a cloudless sky.  I don’t know why it couldn’t have been like that on Tuesday & Wednesday evenings, do you? 

Well, Angel, I must thank you for the way you looked after me whilst I was at Nottingham.  I enjoyed every minute of the two days – up to the time when it came to say “Goodbye”; then everything fell flat, as you remarked.

I felt very lonely as the train pulled out of the station.  There was an A.T.S. in the carriage I was in & she was in just the opposite mood to me.  She was bubbling over with excitement, for she was going on leave to get married.  Do you know, Dear, she made me feel quite envious!  But after being with you for the past two days, I am certain that there are only two things separating you & I from that happy (?) state – and you know what they are, so be quick & get them passed!!

Your Mother & Vera were looking out of the window when I passed.  Vera was up.  I shall go up & see them in the morning.  Janet had been talking to Vera for about two hours this morning.

Well, My Darling, I am tired so if you don’t mind I will say “goodnight” – not such a satisfying “goodnight” as 24 hrs ago, but we shall both have to imagine we are together again!

The train journey home was terrible.  I was like a grease spot when I eventually arrived in Grimethorpe.  I bet getting back into uniform annoyed you too!

So until the week-end Cheerio, Darling.  All my love, Stan    xxxxxxx

P.S. Excuse the paper.  Not elegant but all I can find.

Mother sends her love.  Pleased we enjoyed ourselves.  Stan


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