Sunday, 29 March, 1942


The Nurses Home, General Hospital, Nottingham

Sunday, 12.15 a.m.  

My dear Stan,

You will no doubt be surprised to see “Sunday” written on my letter when I said that I wasn’t going to write until Wednesday but I just could not wait until Wednesday to write to you.  I must thank you, Stan, for the lovely time you gave me whilst I was at home and I did really enjoy being with you, you know.  I have thought seriously about things since I came back (tried to think, I should say) and I have come to the conclusion that I am losing the second round!

I did promise you a snap but have not been to collect them yet so will send you one in my next letter.  How about you sending me one of yourself?  I suppose you will say you haven’t got one.  If you have not I am going to see what I can do about a camera when next I go home, or maybe you are camera shy!

How do you feel after your vacation?  I felt pretty miserable yesterday but am getting over it now.  I have had plenty of work to keep me busy and then the thought of another week-end soon – well – it is rather cheering.

I have not any news for you.  I suppose our letters will cross in the post, that is, of course, if you do write to-day, as you promised and I think you will.

Bye-bye for now.  Yours with love,

Grace xxx


  1. Interesting to see Grace use the word 'vacation', which I grew up knowing as American for 'holiday'.

  2. Yes, it surprised me, too. However, the American influence was very active through the number of Hollywood films people saw in the 1940's, so this is likely to be where she picked the word up from.


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