Sunday, 10 May, 1942
Nurses Home, General Hospital.
Sunday evening
My dear Stan,
Just one more week and then my holidays and in just over a fortnight you will be at home on leave. I suppose the time at home will fly on wings but these last few weeks have dragged terribly. You know, Stan, it seems ages since I last saw you and I am looking forward to our time together again. By the way, I think I will keep you to the sarcastic remark about taking me for a long walk one afternoon.
The 28th of the month falls on a Thursday so will you be having from Thursday to Thursday?
Pleased to hear you are behaving yourself and learning to stay in more often. I am so busy getting on with my sewing that I have not time to go out!
What do you think? I have had another move! I am back on the men’s medical ward that I worked on before my last night duty. I don’t mind working there though – it is a very pleasant ward, done in pale green and cream – quite new too. I like medical nursing too – we get some very interesting cases. Actually there are two wards – one mens & one womens but together they are called the W. G. Player Wing. The sisters from both wards are on holiday so we made whoopee this afternoon and the staff of both wards held a party in the sun room. When the cats away the mice will play! I gathered you would think that so thought I would save you the fag of writing it.
I can hear the kettle boiling so had better close my letter and make some tea. Don’t you wish you were here to share it with me? I am all alone in the sitting room with dreamy music on the wireless – ah well! In just a fortnight - - -
Yours with love, Grace xxx
Editor's note - Grace is still not being very good at saving Stan's letters, but the next one will be posted on 13 May - and quite an interesting one, too!
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