Sunday, 17 May, 1942


Sunday mid-day  

My dear Stan,

I am afraid that I am having to write your letter in rather a hurry as I am writing it during my lunch time.  If I left it until tonight I would not catch the post and I would like you to get it Mon: or Tuesday.  It certainly took my last letter a long time to reach you.

Just think – I go home tomorrow!  It is a lovely thought.  If only the weather holds good.

I was amazed when I read about your incident in the park last Sunday.   How ridiculous some people are.  I bet that kid was after promotion or something.  I should like to have told him where he got off.  After all – these public speeches are free for criticism or otherwise.

Sorry to hear you are having to stay in on my account – please don’t.  Are you sure that 10 days will not be too long at home?

I have been moved to another ward and that is three wards in three weeks!  Still – a rolling stone gathers no moss!

The hands of the clock are creeping on and telling me that it is time I went on duty so I am afraid that I will cut my letter short.

Yours with love, Grace xx


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