Thursday, 21 May, 1942

Home Forces

Thursday evening     

My Dear Grace,

Only another week and I shall be home for a whole ten days!  I only hope the weather will improve a little from what it has been like the last few days.  All this week has been very showery, here.  What’s the weather like in Grimethorpe?

Are your holidays going down OK.  Find out all that’s happening in the district during the first 9 days in June, won’t you so that we shall both know what to do when I get home.

I hope to get home on Saturday afternoon, May 30th, if things don’t get any busier than they are at the moment.  I will let you know definitely during the next week.

I have been – and still am – very busy, so consequently I have not much to write about.  I went to the pictures to see ‘Sailing Through’ the other night.  It is a smashing show.  You will have to try and see it.

If you are not too busy, try & write me a letter during the week, will you?  Make it a bit longer than the last one, too!

So until the 30th when I am looking forward so much to seeing you, I will say “au revoir”.

Love from Stan xxx

P.S.  Hope this reaches you OK.  I don’t know the number of your house!



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