Tuesday, 26 May, 1942

 Home Forces

Tuesday evening  

My Dear Grace,

I’ve been very religiously ticking off the days on the calendar and have got down to four!  Another 96 hours and I shall be with you!  It certainly seems a long time since we were together last.

I will say this; you haven’t had particularly good weather during the last fortnight.  It had better be better next week!

Up here the weather has been xx!?! awful for Whitsuntide week-end.  It could not have rained much harder yesterday if it had taken things seriously.

Well, if things go as they should do, I shall catch the 1 p.m. train from Darlington and arrive in Cudworth at 4.15 to 4.30 p.m.  I am looking forward to you meeting me, so don’t disappoint me will you.

Now that the prices have gone up at the cinemas, it takes me a long time to decide to go (Miser!).  However, I went to see Shirley Temple in “Kathleen” last night.  It was quite good.  Shirley is certainly growing up now!

Well, my dear, I will tell you all the news when I get home on Saturday.  Those 96 hours are going to take a long time passing, but I suppose Saturday will eventually come. 

Until then think of me often, will you – and keep my love.

Yours Stan xxxx


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