Tuesday, 5 May, 1942

Nurses Home, General Hospital, Notts.

Tuesday evening 

 My dear Stan,

What a day!  It has been so hot all day and we have been so busy, I was jolly glad when we eventually got off duty at 8.30 p.m.  I went to supper – it was dreadful, I hardly touched it – so it just put the finishing touch to the day.

I suppose there is a war on so we have to be thankful for small mercies, etc., etc., so I will try and tell you about some-thing more pleasant although nothing much has happened since I last wrote to you, except that I decided that it was about time I did some sewing (don’t ask me what – if it is a success you will see it for yourself).  Oh yes, I can sew!

One more thing that slightly ruffled me to-day was that yesterday was my half-day, I did not bother going far as I had promised to go with Kit on Wednesday (you see I should have been off duty at 5 p.m. on Wed:) to see John Gielgud in Macbeth.  One nurse suddenly realised that she had a lecture during her evening off to-day – consequently Sister took my evening and gave the said nurse an extra evening.  If she had wanted the evening for anything special she could have had it willingly but I did think it was a bit thick.  Anyhow I decided not to say anything as Sister is pretty decent usually and I want my day off the day before my holidays.

What do you think?  Sister Tutor has gone for her holidays!  It is almost too good to be true.  I go for my holidays when she comes back so no more lectures for five whole weeks!

It does not really matter if you have the last week in May for your leave instead of the first week in June.  That is better than none at all!  I just thought that it would be nice if we could both leave Grimethorpe together but it does not really matter.

Kit and I are not going to Knaresborough after all.  We decided that the holiday we had planned would take too much messing about with.  Kit is coming over to see “the sights of Grimethorpe” and I shall go over to see Askern.  (Thrilling, isn’t it?)

I am sure that it must be getting quite late Stan and I have to get a little beauty ? sleep in – so Good-night my dear.

Yours with love, Grace xxx


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