Monday, 20 July, 1942

The Nurses Home
General Hospital



So you did not receive my letter for Saturday after all.  I am sorry, but I did post it on Friday so it is hardly my fault.  I think that when you have received both my letters you will realise that I have not neglected you really.  I hope you will forgive me any mental torture which, through my fault you have been made to suffer.

I was pleased to hear the “unofficial result” of John and Janet’s exam.  I do hope that it is confirmed “officially”.

I had a letter from home this morning.  They were anxious to know how you fared on your journey back last week.  They also informed me that Bessie received an uncensored letter from Eric via a man that lives in Shafton.  I cannot let you know more as I am in the dark myself.  Vera is going to forward me more news when she has seen Bessie again.  Vera says he seems to have had a pretty terrible time in the Mediterranean (spelt correctly I hope).

Father’s health is about the same.  He is managing to stay at work.

Vera tells me they are bottling gooseberries.  I wish I could be there to help them.  I don’t suppose that bottling gooseberries will interest you very much though so I will switch over to a subject which you might find more interesting.

I am enclosing the promised snaps but only for you to look at.  You see, these are Jean’s.  She very kindly got her boyfriend to send them back so that I could send them to you.  My own should be ready on Friday so if you will let me know which of the snaps you prefer I will send them to you.

I am enclosing one of Jean with Leslie and one of her with her sister.  I suppose you will then recognise her on the other snaps.  I am also enclosing one of Kit.  She does not like it but I do.  That one of myself was taken on the roof of the Nurses Home Annexe.  In the background is the front of the main part of the hospital.  The ward beneath the clock is the one I am on at present.  I do not like the photograph though, so please do not ask for one of that.  I seem to be sitting at a funny angle.  The others were taken in front of the nurses home.  I think the one of Laughton lying on the “lido affair” is so funny.  She was just about to speak when it was snapped.  She will be furious when she knows I have sent it.  It does not matter though, she will get over it.

I have rambled long enough darling.  I hope you can understand all that I have tried to explain about the snaps and do let me have them back by return post, won’t you dear?

I remain, loving you as much as ever – yours Grace   xxxxxx



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