Saturday, 8 August, 1942

The Nurses Home
General Hospital


My Darling,

Saturday and no letter from you!  I received your last letter Wednesday and have looked forward to each post – hoping and hoping that it would bring a reply to the letter I wrote to you last Monday.

I have come to the conclusion that either my letters are not reaching you or you are very busy.  As the former may be the case I decided to send this letter to your old address so that there will be a letter waiting for you when you get back, plus two old ones, nearly a fortnight old.

I do hope you have a decent journey back.  The weather here is dreadful, and I think there is nothing worse than travelling in wet weather, so here’s hoping its fine “up north”.

We have had a rest from the silly old siren for a few days but as I was on fire watching duty again last night the siren had to go.  There were just a few stray planes around – nothing to worry about.

I had a letter from home this morning.  Vera said that the twins had been up to see her.  I think she quite enjoys their company.  She said that you were going up to see her when you were on leave, so I gathered that you had written and told John and Janet so.  I can assure you that all at 56 will be glad to see you.

Kit and I went to the flicks the other day and saw some horrible pictures of the Russian front, taken last winter.

Well, Stan darling – time is short so I must say au revoir.  Please excuse the smudges but you see I cannot even fill my pen without messing something up.

All my love darling, Grace  xxxxxxx



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