Monday, 28 September, 1942

 The Nurses Home
General Hospital


My Darling,

I suppose I ought to start my letter by apologising for this “good linen note-paper”.  I happen to be writing this in the lecture room whilst Sister-Tutor is chittering away about blood grouping.  As I want to catch this evenings post I have no alternative but to write this now; not that I mind missing any of the lecture as we had the same subject at least six times before. 

It was kind of you to write Saturday night after you had worked so late and I do appreciate your special effort.

I was so thankful to hear that you are staying with your unit and I am not going to pry for “official secrets”.

Rather unusual for you to be working Sunday, it is such a lazy day for you normally.

You certainly made me feel envious, reading about your dinner.  I am so glad that you enjoyed yourself though.  Jean is sitting near me and just before we came into the lecture we were reminiscing.  Do you realise that in about one weeks time we shall have known each other for eight months?  I shall never forget that dance, I think I enjoyed it more than any I have ever been to.  (Except for the last part where I had to render first aid!)*

I went to the tennis dance last Friday.  I had quite a nice time but you were missing.

I went to the pictures too, to see Margarete Lockwood in “The Lady Vanishes”.  It was quite good.  I want to go this week to see Leslie Howard in “The Scarlet Pimpernel”.

Well my dear, Sister keeps giving me black looks so I guess I had better close, hoping you get this before you move.

All my love, darling.  Grace xxxx

* See the post 'Going to a Dance' from 30 January, 1942

The letter is on Grace's "good linen note-paper" - torn out of her hospital notebook!


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