Tuesday, 8 September, 1942

G. H. N.


My Darling,

Pleased that my letter arrived when you were feeling down in the dumps and that it cheered you up a little.  Your letters do just the same kind of thing to me.

I am glad that you are settling down alright in your new office.  I guess you will soon have things running to your liking, even though they were not so when you arrived there.

So you sent out the reporter to collect the news about Eric.  I might have known.  I bet you got a laugh when you read my last letter and read about  “the piece in the Times”.

So you do get a bit of entertainment, even out in the “wilds”.  How often do you have these concerts?

It was a bit of a shock to hear about your travelling being curtailed.  Never mind darling, we will have to make the best of it and think that it might be helping the “war effort” a little bit.  Please do not cause any trouble trying to get leave.  If we only do manage to see each other once in three months we are luckier than some people.

Kit had news this morning that her brother is in the Naval Hospital at Hull with Malaria.  Of course she is very anxious but there is nothing one can do or say, but just hope that he will quickly recover.  Most malarial cases do recover owing to the latest specific drugs they have discovered and of course the good nursing these days.

It is a beautiful day to-day. The sun is shining but there’s a little breeze blowing.  Just the sort of day to spend on the river.  As I have some shopping to do this afternoon I shall not have time to go near the river.

I have managed to finish reading “All This and Heaven Too” and have started reading “The Mortal Storm” by Phyllis Bottome.  I think it is going to be quite good.

Now my dear, as my grey matter refuses to function any more I will have to close. 

All my love darling, Grace.   xxxxxxx


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