Tuesday, 20 October, 1942

Home Forces


My Own Darling,

It was nice to receive the letter you wrote to me on Thursday by yesterday's post & find that the competition I had with Florence N. was not as severe as I had imagined it to be.  I can tell you, the previous letter I had had put me in a nasty mood, as the lads in the office will bear out!  Still as I said before, we will talk about the matter next month.  I am beginning to count every day now.  Just about a month to go now.

There’s still plenty of work flying about down here, but I managed a night off for a visit to the local cinema last night.  The films they get are pretty ancient, but the one last night, Victor McLaglen in “Broadway Limited” was quite amusing.

Walking back to the Mess at 11 p.m. it was brilliantly moonlit.  I wished you had had been with me.  I shouldn’t have gone straight home then!

Things were pretty lively here yesterday.  We had six “alerts”.  The first one was at about 7 a.m. & the last just before I left the pictures.  There were no planes about however.

Well, Darling that’s all I have time for just now.  I’ll write again after I have received the letter from you which you promised to write on Saturday.

Until then, keep my love.  Yours, Stan  xxxxx



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