Friday, 27 November, 1942

G. H. N.     

My Own, Precious, Darling,

It is now 4.30 p.m.  I arrived back three-quarters of an hour ago.  I felt that I must write to you Darling, before I could even try to go to sleep.  It was dreadful coming back.  I feel one big ache inside and as I walked down the path leading to the “Nurses Home” I felt that I really did not belong here but that I belonged to you – I felt that I had been away ages and that I was a stranger.

As soon as I got to my bedroom I did something which I was determined I was not going to do – I wept.  I felt so miserable and longed for you so much!

Why am I telling you all this?  It will only make you feel worse and I guess you are feeling the same as I am now.

I have often waited to write to you before and tell you just how I felt about certain things but I would not let myself.  What a fool I have been.  I realise that now.  I have lots more things to tell you but time is creeping on so I will tell you them all on duty to-night.

1 a.m.

As I sit and write this my mind travels back to yesterday morning at this time.  You were holding me in your arms Darling, remember?  Now, I suppose, you will be fast asleep in bed whilst I sit at a desk at one end of a long ward and watch over twenty sleeping women.

We have some happy memories to look back upon, if only those of the last four nights together.  (Anybody other than yourself reading that sentence might think things!)

I am pleased to say that I do not feel quite so “down in the dumps” as I did when I started writing this letter.  Coming on duty and getting into some hard work seems to have livened me up a bit.  I am sure my dear that when you get back on Tuesday and get into routine again you will not feel quite so bad about things.

All my friends and the patients have asked me if I had a “nice time”.  I smiled to myself and said “Yes thank you” thinking what heavenly times I had spent in the last five nights.

Time is creeping on and one poor old soul who is dying is calling me so I must go.

If you can spare any of my love give some to your Mother and the rest of your family.

Don’t be too down-hearted will you Dear?  Remember, every day that passes brings us one day nearer to being together again.

I will write again Sunday evening so that there is a letter for you when you get back Tuesday.  You have all my love Darling, Grace  xxxxxxxxxx


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