Tuesday, 10 November, 1942


7.10 p.m.  Tuesday   

My Precious Darling,

I have just received your letter, which has given me fresh energy with which to face the night. 

It is amazing what a difference a letter makes isn’t it?  Or at least, it makes a difference to me.

I can hardly wait for the next twelve days to pass, when letters will not be necessary but we shall be together.  It seems ages since I last saw you – if only the time would pass quicker!

It sounded good – reading about a blazing fire.  It seems months since I was sitting in front of one.  The next time I sit by one I hope there will be one other person there to share it with me.  Do you know who that might be?

We have the central heating on here but it is not the same as a fire.  Ah well, I suppose we are helping the war effort.

I too am hoping the weather will be kind to us but even if it rains every day we shall be at home, which is certainly better than being in Nottingham.

If the weather is alright we will have that long walk.  Here am I, making plans – Mother always taught me never to make castles in the air so I guess I had better not start now but “wait and see”.

By the way, I thought you might like to know that the jumper is almost finished.  Kit and I are hoping to go to a trade show Friday morning.  It is Bud Abbot and Lou Costello in (sorry, I can’t remember)

It is the only opportunity we have of going to the pictures when on night duty, unless we get up about 3 p.m. and I would rather stay in bed than go to the pictures.  Not to mention the risk of meeting Sisters, etc. on our way out.

So your old Colonel has had a move?  I hope you get on alright with the new one.  I am sure you will though.  I cannot imagine anybody not getting on with you.

The war news is quite good these days if only it continues to be.  How I wish this war was over.  What a difference it would make to peoples lives.  Two I am thinking of in particular!

Please remember me to your family when you write and tell them that I hope to see them soon.

I am afraid that duty calls Darling so until next time – my love as always. 

Yours Grace  xxxxxx 


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