Tuesday, 17 November, 1942

Home Forces


My Darling,

I got your letter this morning, & read the contents with great disappointment.  I have been dreading something like this happening ever since I arranged my leave.

I am sorry to say that there is very little I can do about getting the leave changed I have either got to start it to-morrow & have ten days, or delay it & run the risk of being re-called half way through it.  You see the date which you mention in your letter is the date when all our leave is supposed to finish.

Because I really want to see you very much before I leave this country (as it now appears there is every likelihood of my doing very soon) I have decided to risk things & delay starting my leave until Saturday.  That means that I shall finish it on December the 1st with good luck (and if I am not recalled).  That would give us a couple of days together.

I was telling the Colonel about the contents of your letter this morning & he wanted to ring up the Matron at your place & ask her to give you your leave, but I wouldn’t let him, as I don’t want you to get into any scrapes.  You will be at the hospital a lot longer than I shall be near you now & I didn’t want there to be any bad feeling creep in!

However, if you could manage to get your nights off a bit earlier, it would make doubly sure of us seeing each other.  Don’t get yourself into hot water, though & don’t make yourself unpopular.  From your point of view it would not be worth it.

So, I am afraid that's how the matter has to stand, if you write back, write to Grimethorpe, as your letter won’t arrive here by Friday, I don’t suppose.

Well, Darling, I shall have to get on with some work now.  All we can do now is to hope I get my full 10 days leave undisturbed & then I shall see you for at least two days.  That will be better than nothing.

It is annoying to an impatient so-and-so like me to have to wait another five extra days, but never mind we shall just have to make the best of the time at our disposal!!!  And you can trust us to do that, can’t you.

All my love, Darling, Yours Stan  xxxx


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