Sunday, 13 December, 1942

Usual address

Sunday lunchtime


My Own Darling,

If luck goes with us we shall be together again at this time three weeks hence.  I am watching every little happening down here just now and wondering ”Will I manage it?”  The next three weeks cannot pass quickly enough, my Dear.  What do you say?

The Sergeants’ Mess held a dance last night.  As it is more or less compulsory that one attends I put in an appearance.  Dancing without you, however, Darling, is nothing but a bore, & the more I see of girls in this neighbourhood, the more I thank my lucky stars that there is someone like you at home waiting for me.  I never knew that I could ever miss anyone so much as I have missed you during the past fortnight.  What ten months ago was just a friendship has certainly ripened into a really deep love, my Dear, hasn’t it?

Yes, I agree with you, it is grand to be told that there is someone around, who really does love you.  You know, don’t you, where the person is who is loving you every moment of his life, don’t you!

I spent an afternoon on the Rifle Range yesterday & fired a rifle for the first time!  No I did not shoot anyone, but everyone was careful to creep away into rabbit holes, etc., whilst I was performing!!  I also had a “do” with a “Tommy” Gun and a revolver.  I don’t think I shall be too much of a success at this killing game, however.  I think I am too kind hearted (ah ah!!)

Glad to hear that you have got over your exam.  Have you got to know the results yet.  After your adventures with the prisoner and the lavatory chain, you should know all about internal obstruction!

So you were thinking about the first letter you wrote to me, the other night, were you?  If you are a good girl I will let you read it one day so you can compare it with your later efforts.  I will say this; they are certainly written in a warmer vein these days, but then, so are mine, so we are all square.

Well, Angel, just as you had to dash off to look after a sick doctor, I must leave you to look after a Colonel, who, far from being sick is very much alive to-day!!

Hope this reaches you to-morrow morning.  All my love, Dearest.  Stan  xxxxxx


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