Sunday, 27 December, 1942 - Stan

Usual address

Sunday evening     

My Own Darling,

I wonder what we shall be doing next week at this time?  Only another four days & I shall be home & then after another day we shall be together. Why can’t the time go much quicker.

I’ve not much to tell you, to-night.  I’ve just finished work & am trying to get as much cleared up as possible so there will be no fear of some job cropping up at the last moment.

I had another TAB inoc. a few hours ago & am just beginning to feel the effects so I really think the best place for me is bed.

Am looking forward to a letter from you to-morrow.  I don’t think anything to this Christmas rush business.  It delays your letters too much for my liking.  It seems ages Darling since I had a letter from you.

I know you won’t think much of this scribbled note but I thought I must write & let you know how much I am looking forward to the week-end.

When you reply to this write to Grimethorpe, will you & let me know when you are arriving in Doncaster so that I can meet you.

Until that delightful moment, then my Darling.  Keep my love, Stan  xxxxx

There are letters from both Stan and Grace today.  Just scroll down on the main page to find Grace's letter.


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