Thursday, 3 December, 1942

Castle Ward                                                                        G. H. N.    

12. 5 a.m.                                                                            3.12.42  

My Own Darling,

By now you will be back in Norfolk and I suppose, fast asleep in bed, your leave will be over and be just a memory, but what a memory!  Those four days we had together will be one of my most precious memories.

They say that “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”.  I don’t think it is true in my case as I love you more than I can say.  It is a love I have never experienced before – it goes deep down.  Sometimes I feel so lonely – just longing for you, Darling.

I often re-live some of those thrilling moments of last week.  Last week at this time I was in your arms and thinking that soon I would have to leave you.  I did not want to – I felt that I did not ever want to come back here.  However, as you say – we must be patient.

I will have to leave you now for a little while as it is time to go and eat and Sister gets highly bad tempered when we are late for meals.

1 a.m.

The meal was simply atrocious.  Still, there is a war on !!  I suppose we just have to put up with it.

Sister decided to phone me a few minutes ago.  Honoured, am I not?  She wanted to know about my next nights off.  I cannot have any for this month as the only ones vacant is our “take-in” week, so I am having them from January 1st – 5th.  That will be four weeks to-morrow.  I wonder where you will be then?

Kit and myself decided to do a bit of Christmas shopping yesterday morning.  It is terribly difficult these days, although the “Spirit of Christmas” seems to be everywhere.  Darling, wait until we have our first Christmas together.  Lovely thought!

There I go again – I think I am getting the same as you for dreaming.

At the front of me lies my lecture book and when it catches my eye it brings me back to reality and tells me that I really must stop writing and dreaming and get down to some hard work, as I take my written exam next Tuesday.

Bye-bye my Precious and all my love.  Grace  xxxxxx


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