Tuesday, 22 December, 1942 - Grace

Nurses Home
General Hospital

Dec 22  12.30 a.m. 1942

My Precious Stan,

I was awfully sorry Dear to hear how you have reacted to your T.A.B.  I only wish I was able to get to you and nurse you.  No – I don’t think I would excite you.  If you were really ill Darling and I was looking after you, I would be a nurse until you were well again.

However, as I am not able to be near you in person you will have to be content knowing that my thoughts are continually with you.  I do hope that you will soon feel alright again.  Only another 10 days and we shall be together again.  I am getting impatient.  I suppose that our time together will go quickly again.  However the fact that we shall be together again is enough for now, or at least it will have to be.

The Colonel seems very anxious to have you married.  How about yourself – what did you have to say about it all?

Darling, I have a confession to make – I hope you don’t mind but I sort of made a promise to Kit before I got your telegram.  I suppose I had better start from the beginning and then you will understand what I am talking about. 

As you know, when I was on my holidays I spent a few days with Kit.  I promised her then that if ever we got a week-end together she would come home and go to a dance with me.  When she knew that I had Jan 1st – 5th for my nights off she immediately tried to get hers and succeeded.  I could not disappoint her could I Darling and she will only be staying with me for one night.  She come Saturday and go back Sunday.  I had a letter from Vera the other day and she said that there would be a dance at the factory on Saturday, Jan 2nd and would you and I be going.  I told her that three of us would most likely be going.  She wanted to know by return post you see.  Would you really mind doing this for me, just this once Darling?

You asked me if I had any lectures to attend during my January nights off.  Well, we do start our ear, nose and throat lectures some time in Jan but I think I shall have five clear days.

I must thank you for the 10/- you have sent for Vera’s Christmas present.  It is very good of you but you have given me a problem to solve.  It is taking me all my time to think of something from myself.  I will try and be tactful though and find out what she really wants.

Time is getting short – I hope this does not take very long to reach you. 

My love as always Darling.  Grace

 Readers please note: there are letters from both Stan and Grace today.  Scroll up on the main page to find Stan's letter.


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