Wednesday, 16 December, 1942 - Grace's Letter

G. H. N.

16.12.42  1 a.m.   

My Precious Darling,

I received your last letter Tuesday morning.  I expect it will take our letters longer to come now that Christmas is coming, which of course, does not suit me at all.

Receiving your letters means so much to me.  My world falls flat if there is not a letter when I expect one, so I console myself by reading your previous letters.

So one day you will show me the letter I first wrote you, will you?  I have forgotten the contents of it.  I daresay I shall get a laugh out of it.  I did not think you would keep it so long.

There are only sixteen more days Darling and I shall be going home again and I hope, you will be too.  Is it not a lovely thought?  New Year together!  Do you think that you really will manage 48 hours and if so how will you get home?  I thought that you were not allowed to travel out of a certain radius?

Be careful won’t you Darling?  I want to see you again so much but please don’t get into any kind of trouble.

There is no fresh news from the “home front”.  The last letter Vera wrote me she said that your Father and John and Janet had called in home on their way to Brierley.  She said there was no fresh scandal that would interest us.  I can see that it is time we gave the local gossipers something to talk about!

And now Dear my news is at an end.  It is very brief, is it not?  The high class paper is torn out of the “Admission Book” – just in case you took a liking to it and wanted some yourself.

All my love, Darling, yours Grace  xxxxxxx

Readers please note - there is also a letter from Stan dated 16 December.  Scroll up on your main screen to find it.


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