Wednesday, 30 December, 1942

General Hospital

1 a.m. Dec: 30th 1942  

My Precious Darling,

I suppose this will be the last letter I will write you before I am actually with you again on Friday.  Lovely thought!!

When I kissed you Good-bye last time I never thought that we would have five more days together.  Of course, I hoped that we might but it seemed so improbable.  Now that we are actually going to be together again – well – it seems too good to be true.  There is only one snag – I might have a lecture.  I hardly dare look at the “Notice Board” for the new list.  I am hoping that one will not come out before Friday and then Friday morning I shall not look at it, so that I can always plead ignorance.

You asked if father had arranged some conveyance to take us home Sat: evening.  Yes – he has arranged for a taxi.  Thank goodness!!

I was pleased to hear that you managed to have a decent time at Christmas, even though you had to get up at 6.30 a.m.  Never mind Darling, worse things happen at sea, than getting up at 6.30.  Thank your Mother for her letter.  I am enclosing one for the twins.  By the way – my bus arrives in Doncaster at 12.25 p.m. on Friday.

Yours for ever Darling, Grace  xxxxxxxx


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