Wednesday, 9 December, 1942 - Grace's letter

G. H. N.

12.30 a.m.  Wednesday  

My Precious Darling,

I received your last letter Monday evening.  I had a busy night Monday with only half an hour to spare so I thought you would not mind having your letter one day later, so I did half an hours cramming and am writing your letter to-night (Hope you can make sense of the above paragraph.  When I re-read it – it sounds a bit mixed up).

However, the first part of the dreaded exam is over.  Thank goodness!

We take the second part (the oral) at 5 p.m. – or thereabouts – on Friday.  The paper was alright at least two questions (one upon cancer and one upon intestinal obstruction) were passable but the third one was dreadful.  I think that hardly anybody has made anything of it.  I am living in hope that the surgeon is in a good mood and feeling lenient when he marks the papers – or else!!

And now I will get away from exams for a while.

Your letter cheered me up no end.  Darling, if only you can get during January.  No, I will not build my castles in the air but please don’t tell me not to hope too much!   I shall hope and go on hoping until I know definitely whether you can get or not.

I am writing home when I have finished your letter (providing a case does not come in) so I will give them a bit of your love.  I am not greedy really – only giving them a bit – I love you so much Darling that I want all the love you have.  We both know how much we love each other but it is nice to be told often is it not?

As I sit here to-night and write (sorry, scrawl) this letter my mind travels back ten months ago when I sat at a desk on another ward – about this time too and wrote my very first letter to you.  I think it started with “Dear Stan” and finished with “Yours sincerely”.  Quite cool wasn’t it?

Lots of letters have passed between us since and lots of happy moments and there are lots more to come.

I am afraid that I will have to go now Dear.  The Doctor of this ward happens to be off sick on it.  She has tonsillitis.  Of course, she is a private patient and is in a single ward.  I really must go and see if she is sleeping as she was not an hour ago and it is no joke nursing a doctor.  One has to be very tactful at times.

Bye-bye Darling and all my love, yours as always, Grace  xxxxxxx



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